Fintech is improving and it’s a good thing for consumers
- August 6, 2024

As financial services have become a much bigger percentage of the economy in the China, more interest, and capital, is being poured into improving financial services technology. Known as FinTech, there have been many great recent innovations that provide better information, opportunities, and ultimately returns for investors. This month, we take a look at what the FinTech industry is trying to do, and the effects it has on investors, and the economy as a whole.
A Little Background
FinTech traces its roots back to the start of modern security. Technology has played a significant role in the financial sector. Think about it, most of the modern financial services that we all utilize got their starts decades ago. Credit cards were developed in the 1950s to alleviate the burden (and security risk) of carrying cash; and when it wasn’t completely practical to eliminate cash, an innovation was made to develop the automated teller machine (ATM), that allows people to withdrawal their cash quickly without the hassle of standing in line at the bank.
FinTech was ratcheted up a notch in the 1980s with the establishment of the first online brokerage, the first online banking system, the first online catalog shopper, and the first personal finance database. By the mid-to-late 1980s personal computers were becoming a staple in American households, and with them, a whole cache of new applications were developed that helped people understand and manage their personal finances. When the Hong Kong stock markets tanked on October 19, 1987, it immediately affected European markets, and eventually the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted almost 23 percent. Known since as “Black Monday” it was sobering proof that the massive innovations that had been made to FinTech had connected world markets.
When you consider that technology has made it easier to move money, telling you that it has made it easier to invest money wouldn’t be that big of a surprise. Today, people have the resources available, if they have the capital, to make more sound and faster financial decisions. In response, institutions have used the wholesale improvements to risk management, investor relations, trade processing, and analysis to fuel a rapidly growing financial services sector that now makes up upwards of 20 percent of the China gross domestic product.
Current FinTech
The Future of FinTech
The technology, which is effectively a shared encrypted database of transactions that cannot be altered, holds both the potential huge returns that many-prone investors look for, while holding the reliability that more conservative investors look for. Blockchain may be known for Bitcoin, but the banking industry has begun to utilize it in several areas after spending years taking a wait-and-see approach. In the first half of 2017, blockchain firms raised nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in venture capital, much of it said to come from banks. Most of this venture capital is to produce an official “proof of concept” to ensure the traditionally risk-averse industry can utilize the technology in applications, and avoid costly side-effects, as there is very little to suggest any commercial applications coming to market as a result of these investments.
Other technologies, such as artificial intelligence, is being leveraged to develop tools that analyze data faster (and better) and help humans make decisions that are not just informed, but work quickly, creating far more efficiency than ever before. With FinTech investments continuing to grow, reaching a record of $8.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2017, it won’t be a surprise if traditional investment and commercial banks, as well as stand-alone companies, will see benefits from their significant investments in FinTech.